Every great achievement was, at first, a small idea.
We help your small idea becoming something great.
Developing the right pipeline is like creating the blueprint to a creative solution. It involves choosing the right technology for the given task and creating workflows that can comfortably deal with those requirements.
As the curve vfx is a full-service agency, your projects don`t end up as a concept or theoretical pipeline. We have the tools and the skills to produce the final product for you. May it be an image-film, a broadcast design, a virtual studio or an explanatory movie. the curve vfx is your competent partner till the job is done.
who we are
Working in the industry for more than 20 years the curve vfx was founded 2013 by Corney Ryczek and Marc Potthoff.
Since this start we constantly extended our team and our broad range of skill-sets to provide a multitude of creative solutions for our customers, including concept design, on-air design, animation and motion design, pre-viz, shoot supervision, 2D compositing, 3D/CG effects, virtual set design and operation.

Started his career in 1996 as graphics designer for SAT.1 Television, creating broadcast designs from scratch to final production in real and virtual sets

Began his career in 1995 for SAT.1 Television with the first daily news show in europe, that was produced in a virtual set.

As professional fotographer, he knows the business and how to handle our projects from start to finish.

With her already gained knowledge, our trainee sets the bar very high for upcoming generations.

With a combination of media designer and stage painter, Jule is working on real sets and motion designs since 2006.

From Bavaria to Berlin, and directly to the curve vfx. In luggage a lot of knowledge about broadcast design and motion graphics.

From trainee to highly motivated motion designer with fresh skills, she has an eye for details and very high quality standards. The perfect match for the curve vfx.

As the youngest member in our family, he already has a lot of experience when it comes to motion graphics, editing and 3D.

The new kid in town. Having already been in the logo business all his life, he makes sure that our logo stays as beautiful as it is.

With a smile in one eye and a tear in the other, he is now enjoying his well-deserved retirement.
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
the curve vfx GmbH
Lobeckstr. 30
10969 Berlin
Marc Potthoff
Corney Ryczek
phone: +49 (0) 30 68008881
fax: +49 (0) 30 68008883
mail: info(a)the-curve.com
Eintragung im Handelsregister:
Registergericht: AG Berlin Charlottenburg
Registernummer: HRB147460B
gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
Landesamt Berlin
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